Post autor: Marcus Biesioroff » 02 sierpnia 2016, 00:28
Sorry za nie tłumaczenie, tl;tt, nie chce mi się, Google Translator zrobi robotę w razie czego
opinia pilota:
Pilot sam o tym pisze:Hey folks A lot of you dont know but I had a ruff landing/crash at US Nationals on the last task... I wanted to share the video with my paraglider pilot friends so that we can all learn from it.. I am in no means ashamed of it, and on the contrary feel that all my SIV training saved me from being paralyzed or killed.. I truly feel in my heart exhaustion and complacency was a huge factor in this happening.. I was landing in a green field with water all around and reminiscing on what a wonderful week I had in Chelan and the amazing flying we all did together and never thought once that a dust devil (green devil in this case) could hit me. I do think if I would of been quicker to input the wing I would of been able to keep it open.. It is also hard to see in the video but I was swinging at a fence and had to go that direction as I had pinned myself in a bad spot, once again complacency... I heal fast and did an SIV course 3 days later and am still sore but better everyday.. I hope this video can help somebody and if it helps even just one person out it makes it all worth it.. Also you notice only one person even moves to me after the crash, and I was wondering if anyone was even coming.. Remember if you see someone crash time stops and if you can get to someone as soon as possible you will be that person's angel... To those that did respond thankyou, I dont even remember all who were there but I do remember CS Ling being right there and thankyou sweetie... BIg hug to all my friends in that are out there and love you all, this really put things into perspective...
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Sorry za nie tłumaczenie, tl;tt, nie chce mi się, Google Translator zrobi robotę w razie czego ;) opinia pilota:
[quote="Pilot sam o tym"]Hey folks A lot of you dont know but I had a ruff landing/crash at US Nationals on the last task... I wanted to share the video with my paraglider pilot friends so that we can all learn from it.. I am in no means ashamed of it, and on the contrary feel that all my SIV training saved me from being paralyzed or killed.. I truly feel in my heart exhaustion and complacency was a huge factor in this happening.. I was landing in a green field with water all around and reminiscing on what a wonderful week I had in Chelan and the amazing flying we all did together and never thought once that a dust devil (green devil in this case) could hit me. I do think if I would of been quicker to input the wing I would of been able to keep it open.. It is also hard to see in the video but I was swinging at a fence and had to go that direction as I had pinned myself in a bad spot, once again complacency... I heal fast and did an SIV course 3 days later and am still sore but better everyday.. I hope this video can help somebody and if it helps even just one person out it makes it all worth it.. Also you notice only one person even moves to me after the crash, and I was wondering if anyone was even coming.. Remember if you see someone crash time stops and if you can get to someone as soon as possible you will be that person's angel... To those that did respond thankyou, I dont even remember all who were there but I do remember CS Ling being right there and thankyou sweetie... BIg hug to all my friends in that are out there and love you all, this really put things into perspective...[/quote]
Niestety post jest na fejsie w grupie zamkniętej, więc nie da się tu nawet linka wstawić :/
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